If you have forgotten your password you can reset it here.

  1. Please enter your contact email address.
  2. We will then send you an email with a link. Please also check your spam folder for that email.
  3. Please follow that link and enter a new password.
    The reset password email link is valid 2 hours
  4. After you hit the save button you can log in with your email address and your new password.

Not receiving an email?

You will only receive an email if we have an account connected to that email address. If you don't receive an email please do the following: 

  • Double-check that you have entered the correct email address.
  • Be sure to check your Junk / spam folder. 

If you still don't receive an email or have questions about your login credentials don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support at support@passionflix.com.